5 Quotes & Sayings By William A Ward

William A. Ward came to the United States in 1885 when he was 17 years old. By the age of 20, he was in business in both Montreal and in New York City. He began his career with the National Life Insurance Company of Canada, but by 1905 had moved to Chicago where he became President of the Consolidated Life Insurance Company, one of only three non-American companies to join the American Mutual Life Association in 1914 Read more

He served as President of Chicago Title & Trust until it merged with the Security Trust Company in 1917.

Adversity causes some men to break others to break records. William A. Ward
Failure is delay but not defeat. It is a temporary detour not a dead-end street. William A. Ward
God gave you a gift of 86 400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you"? William A. Ward
Four steps to achievement: plan purposefully prepare prayerfully proceed positively pursue persistently. William A. Ward